In the heart of Manchester-by-the-Sea, a story of revival unfolds, where history meets modern elegance. The featured article, "Modern Touches Enhance an Historic Home on the Manchester Waterfront," invites readers into a captivating journey of a family's dedication to preserving the essence of a 1896 Shingle Style home while infusing contemporary enhancements.
The project was a delicate balance of preserving the home's original character and introducing modern functionalities. The homeowner's affection for the house's age-old quirks, like uneven floors and creaking sounds, guided the renovation ethos, celebrating its storied past.
The kitchen transformation involved creating a seamless connection to the great room, enhancing family interactions and the flow of natural light. Design details like the oriel window in the kitchen and the strategic placement of built-in bookcases in the great room testify to the thoughtful approach of preserving the home's essence while making it more livable. The side porch, now an idyllic spot for morning coffees and seaside views, exemplifies the homeowner's deep connection to Manchester's tranquil beauty.
In this two-year project, every element, from the furniture to the lighting, was meticulously sourced, echoing the homeowner's commitment to authenticity and global artistry.
Read the full article in Northshore Home Magazine